Marie Klement Spirit Artist
Marie Klement Spirit Artist


Marie will be available to do Spirit Portraits and readings again once travel restrictions have lifted.


Marie will be available to do Spirit Art Workshops again once travel restrictions have lifted.

If you are wishing to expand your understanding & ability in the Psychic and Spiritual Arts, this Workshop is for you, whether you are just beginning your Spiritual journey or have expanded your knowledge & experience.

Marie Klement Spirit Artist
Included are drawing exercises, meditations, and techniques to 'tune in' to the Spirit world. PLUS more! NO drawing experience necessary (even if you can ONLY draw stick figures that’s totally fine). Art materials included! This will be a fun filled day of harmony and support from all who share the experience. Allow your inner creative self to come alive at a Spirit Art and Mediumship Workshop.

It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing for these workshops. They can get a bit messy at times, but are so much FUN ... so it may help if you want to bring an art apron to protect clothing, and/or towels, rags etc.

These workshops have been held in various different locations around the country, and usually run for one whole day. They are an excellent introduction to the expression of Spiritual Art.



Marie Klement Spirit Artist
"I remember once as a child, standing transfixed in front of a particular painting created by a Master of long ago. It was as if I had momentarily forgotten who and where I was and had been elevated into another world! At around seven years of age, I would sit and draw what came naturally to me and taught myself how to 'grid' small pictures into large drawings.

I had learnt later, especially during the Renaissance period, that certain paintings were indeed calculated, to evoke feelings in people which helped to unite them with intangible, spiritual realities. It was because of this I chose to become an artist in this lifetime. It is my hope that certain works of art, would become infused with Spirit, so as to feed hungry souls.

Today, I think art still has a very important function to perform, in that it can reach out to inspire, uplift and bring hope to an often dark perspective. It invites us to rediscover our own higher possibilities and our own deepest nature. In our present time of chaos, confusion and change, there is also a time of great awakening and revelation, in which we can and are taking enormous strides towards self-realisation.

However, we seem to have placed so much emphasis on developing the thought processes, that we are in danger of leaving our hearts and souls behind. Many of us are no longer listening to the language of the soul or our intuition. It is in this sense that we need the arts. It can help us develop our intuition and to recognize and realise a deeper dimension of our own being.

Rodin once quoted: 'The artist enriches the soul of humanity and delights people with a thousand shades of feeling. The artist reveals spiritual riches until then unknown, and gives people new reasons for loving life, new inner lights to guide them.'

Art can portray human struggle and suffering, but can also uplift and heal the soul. It can point to the transcendental source of wisdom. By doing all these things and more, art can encourage and nurture what is best in us, giving people joy and hope. If we cannot envision a better world, we cannot create one! A world without art and its healing function, would leave us bereft of a language of beauty. We would lose access to one of the primary ways that spirit reaches people!"

Marie Klement Spirit Artist


Marie will be available to do Spirit Portraits and readings again once travel restrictions have lifted.


Marie Klement Spirit Artist Marie will be available to do Spirit Art Workshops again once travel restrictions have lifted.

If you are wishing to expand your understanding & ability in the Psychic and Spiritual Arts, this Workshop is for you, whether you are just beginning your Spiritual journey or have expanded your knowledge & experience.

Included are drawing exercises, meditations, and techniques to 'tune in' to the Spirit world. PLUS more! NO drawing experience necessary (even if you can ONLY draw stick figures that’s totally fine). Art materials included! This will be a fun filled day of harmony and support from all who share the experience. Allow your inner creative self to come alive at a Spirit Art and Mediumship Workshop.

It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing for these workshops. They can get a bit messy at times, but are so much FUN ... so it may help if you want to bring an art apron to protect clothing, and/or towels, rags etc.

These workshops have been held in various different locations around the country, and usually run for one whole day. They are an excellent introduction to the expression of Spiritual Art.



Marie Klement Spirit Artist "I remember once as a child, standing transfixed in front of a particular painting created by a Master of long ago. It was as if I had momentarily forgotten who and where I was and had been elevated into another world! At around seven years of age, I would sit and draw what came naturally to me and taught myself how to 'grid' small pictures into large drawings.

I had learnt later, especially during the Renaissance period, that certain paintings were indeed calculated, to evoke feelings in people which helped to unite them with intangible, spiritual realities. It was because of this I chose to become an artist in this lifetime. It is my hope that certain works of art, would become infused with Spirit, so as to feed hungry souls.

Today, I think art still has a very important function to perform, in that it can reach out to inspire, uplift and bring hope to an often dark perspective. It invites us to rediscover our own higher possibilities and our own deepest nature. In our present time of chaos, confusion and change, there is also a time of great awakening and revelation, in which we can and are taking enormous strides towards self-realisation.

However, we seem to have placed so much emphasis on developing the thought processes, that we are in danger of leaving our hearts and souls behind. Many of us are no longer listening to the language of the soul or our intuition. It is in this sense that we need the arts. It can help us develop our intuition and to recognize and realise a deeper dimension of our own being.

Rodin once quoted: 'The artist enriches the soul of humanity and delights people with a thousand shades of feeling. The artist reveals spiritual riches until then unknown, and gives people new reasons for loving life, new inner lights to guide them.'

Art can portray human struggle and suffering, but can also uplift and heal the soul. It can point to the transcendental source of wisdom. By doing all these things and more, art can encourage and nurture what is best in us, giving people joy and hope. If we cannot envision a better world, we cannot create one! A world without art and its healing function, would leave us bereft of a language of beauty. We would lose access to one of the primary ways that spirit reaches people!"

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